maintenance & repair

Crack in your boat? We’ll get you back afloat! We offer a wide variety of maintenance & repair services at Fluid Fun. We also have experienced installers who are happy to do anything from adding accessories to your boat to racks to your vehicle.

For repairs, the first thing we need to do is assess the damage.  If the damage is major and may compromise your boat in any way, we’ll want to make sure that your repair is solid and lasting – or even possible!  The processes for basic repairs – smoothing a scratch or forcing out a dent – to filling a gouge or closing a crack each require their own protocols depending upon the material from which your boat is made.  Our skilled team will be able to asses your damages and suggest options for repair or replacement, if necessary.

When it comes to boat maintenance, there are lots of issues to consider.  From winterizing and storage to spring cleaning to general boat care tips, our team can provide you with the advice and services you need to keep your boat in tip-top shape.